Totimekope D/A Basic and Fantevikope D/A Basic wins the Maiden Dangme Debate and Poetry Recital respectively.

The Maiden Dangme Debate and Poetry Recital 2022 was organized by Success Ambassadors of the Ada East District Education Directoriate and mainly sponsored by Mr Tsri Apronti, an Educationist and Consultant in Sierra Leone.


Eight (8) Schools from the district were selected to compete for the Debate and Poetry Recital which commenced on 23rd February, 2022. The eight schools were; Totimekope Basic, Ada Foah Methodist, Pediatorkope Basic, Luhuese Basic, Dogo Community, Kasseh No. 2 Basic, Fantevikope Basic and Tamatoku Presby Basic.

The competition was on elimination basis which saw high level of competition among the various schools at all levels through to the finals. Kasseh No. 2 Basic school withdrew from the competition at the early stage leaving Fantevikope D/A Basic on standby.

Many exciting topics were debated on as we saw the participants from the various schools debating with strong and convincing points for or against the motion. 

The competition was very keen but at long last a winner is supposed to be one in each category.

Making it to the finals for the debate, we had Ada Foah Methodist up against Fantevikope D/A Basic for the Debate with the motion; " Modern Technology has done more harm than Good"

For the Poetry Recital, we had Totimekope D/A Basic up against Dogo Community JHS.

We saw the two schools exhibiting great creativity and education in their poetry recital. 

 The judges had a difficult time but were excellent on the day by been fair and firm.

The finals was held yesterday 5th of April, 2022 at the Ada Foah Methodist Chapel. Many dignitaries; Hon. Sarah Dugbakie Pobee (District Chief Executive, Ada East District), Mr. Samuel Serwornu (Big Ada Circuit Court), Mrs Matilda Atisey (Deputy Director of Education, Ada East District),etc including various SISO's in the District. were present at the occasion. 

The competition in the Debate was very keen between the two schools. The winner (Fantevikope D/A Basic) won with 88.3points with 6 points ahead of Ada Foah Methodist having 82.3 points.

The Poetry Recital was won by Totimekope D/A Basic with 87.7 points with 14.4 points ahead of Dogo Community JHS who had 73.3 points.

